



    1. 多巴胺 Dopamine

      刺激大脑奖励系统,产生愉悦感的神经递质。释放多巴胺,要… The 'feel good' neurotransmitter that drives your brain's reward system. To stimulate dopamine...

      ① 听欢快的音乐 Listen to upbeat music
      ② 睡个好觉 Get a good night's sleep
      ③ 吃甜点 Eat a sweet treat
      ④ 完成一项小任务 Complete a small task

    2. 内啡肽 Endorphins

      大脑的天然止痛剂。减少压力,增加快感。分泌内啡肽,要… The brain's natural painkiller. Reduces stress and increases pleasure. To stimulate endorphins...

      ① 运动 Do some exercise
      ② 吃黑巧克力 Eat dark chocolate
      ③ 香薰 Burn essential oils
      ④ 看喜剧片 Watch some comedy

    3. 催产素 Oxytocin

      「连结荷尔蒙」一当我们感到与人相连时释放出来的。产生催产素,要… 'Bonding hormone' - released when we feel connected to people. To stimulate oxytocin...

      ① 撸猫撸狗 Pet your dog/cat
      ② 给心爱的人做饭 Cook for a loved one
      ③ 拥抱 Give someone a hug
      ④ 拉手 Hold hands

    4. 血清素 Serotonin

      情绪稳定剂,改善睡眠,减少焦虑,增加幸福感。产生催产素,要… Mood stabiliser that improves sleep.reduces anxiety and increases happiness. To stimulate serotonin...

      ① 晒太阳 Get some sunshine
      ② 冥想 Practice meditation
      ③ 散步 Go for a walk
      ④ 有氧运动 Do some cardio

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